UPDATE! Since we last wrote, Axis360 introduced a new, all-in-one app to make it even easier to read a book electronically. Check out the update below.
Ten reasons why you should check out our new digital media library Axis360—our next venture in providing students and staff anytime, anywhere learning opportunities.
“How do you make sense of what you see when you look at an image, especially if that image comes with no caption, headline, links or other clues about its origins? What can constructing meaning from an image teach you?” – New York Times I’ve always loved the New York Times “What’s Going On In This Picture” feature. Each week, they choose a picture and ask students to answer three simple questions: What’s going on in this picture? What do you see that makes you say that? What more can you find? Students are allowed the opportunity to form their own interpretations and share ideas. They are encouraged to post their findings and cite evidence to prove their argument. Throughout this process, students are engaged, developing critical thinking skills and constructing knowledge. Guest post by Antioch Literacy Specialist Mary Stoeger
Want nonfiction articles your students can use to build their comprehension and understanding of content? How about informative articles to enhance your teaching, develop prior knowledge, and extend student learning? Well look no further; please say hello to Newsela. When Morgan O’Connor and I first introduced the yearlong e-portfolio assignment to her three Global Studies classes, students were less than thrilled. For one, they tend to not like work. For two, most of them have never experienced a project that is an entire year long. One that Just. Won’t. Go. Away.
AboutThe ILC blog keeps Lakes students and staff up to date with news and events related to reading, research, technology, and more.
February 2024
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